With the continual advances in technology in the 21st century, our world is becoming increasingly interconnected. It is now a vital part of the public school system’s role and function to equip our students with the ability and desire to interact successfully in this ever-broadening world community. As educators of life long learners, we must expose young adolescents to a global community and teach them to interact respectfully with various people groups in many countries. To this end, we want to instill in both the adults and students an understanding and regard for the diversity of our planet through the establishment of a nonprofit global club.
The goals of our global club include the following:
1. Appreciation of and exposure to diversity in race, religion, culture, socio- economic status, and educational levels
2. Cultural awareness for students
3. Enhancement of the image of the United States abroad
4. Enablement for students to experience new perspectives and various cultures
5. Provision of unique perspectives that exceed the bounds of print and non-print texts that traveling abroad affords.
Traveling to countries that are in close proximity to the United States allows our club to realize its vision in its infancy. As the program expands, the range of travel will also grow. Traditionally, such opportunities to participate in world travel have been reserved for high school or college students. By allowing middle school students to also engage the global community, we are providing students an advantage that will allow them to more successfully vie with their counterparts for jobs, scholarships, college entrance and other such endeavors. Beginning at this age gives them a competitive edge that will amplify their success in the 21st century.
Once students experience a new culture, their vision of America and their position in the world will be forever enhanced. The same result will be true for the teachers who accompany as chaperones. This will allow our club to be a harbinger of a global vision with a contagious enthusiasm and respect for the diverse world in which we live.